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Fayetteville Outer Loop

Fayetteville Outer Loop Completion
The map above shows the project's general location. View Detailed Maps
Project Information Left Table
Status:Under Construction
STIP Number:​U-2519DA, U-2519CB, U-2519CA, U-2519BB, U-2519AB, U-2519BA, U-2519AA
Project Information Right Table
Estimated Cost:$1 billion
Start Date:2003
Completion Date:2026

​​​​​​Project Overview

Work is underway to complete the western portion of the Fayetteville Outer Loop (I-295) from U.S. 401 Business/Ramsey Street – north of Fayetteville – to I-95 just across the Cumberland-Robeson county line.

The 39-mile outer loop will provide unprecedented interstate connectivity for the region and provide direct connections from Fort Liberty to I-95.

The Fayetteville Outer Loop is critical for the region. It will help support the military, promote continued economic growth, and strengthen North Carolina's ability to attract and retain business and industry.

Other benefits include:

  • Reducing traffic volume on portions of the local street network
  • Connecting major routes in the south, west and north portions of Fayetteville
  • Providing an additional crossing of the Cape Fear River


Jason Salisbury, P.E.

Division Construction Engineer
Division 6

P.O. Box 1150
Fayetteville, NC 28302

Last updated Dec. 1, 2023