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Frequently Asked Questions


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  • How was the study area determined?
  • Please explain the selection and decision process for choosing a route. What is the overall process timeline, what steps are involved for both selection and decision, where is this project in the process, and when are the next steps expected?
  • Who is involved in selection and decision?
  • Who ultimately decides, state or federal?
  • How and why are routes dropped during the study?
  • Who determines the Least Environmentally Damaging Practical Alternative?
  • What are the next steps?
  • How will the public be informed?
  • How does NCDOT determine how much land to take for right of way and interchanges?
  • How does eminent domain work?
  • How are property values determined?
  • How are property owners protected?
  • What is the expected overall project cost, including property purchased?
  • Is NCDOT aware that churches, fire departments and schools might be impacted?
  • Is NCDOT aware that Realtors are disclosing potential right-of-way impacts for local properties and that values are taking a hit?

Last updated May. 13, 2024