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Public Meeting, Comment Period Ahead for N.C. 62 Project

​BURLINGTON – A virtual public meeting is scheduled for this week, followed by a two-week public comment period for proposed improvements to N.C. 62 in Burlington.

Two alternatives are being considered for widening N.C. 62 between Ramada Road and U.S. 70. The two options differ primarily between Trail Six and Lacy Street, where one option calls for a two-lane, median-divided design, and the other a three-lane pattern ​that includes a center turn lane. The project also includes improving intersections and adding sidewalks and a multi-use path.

The purpose of the project is to improve traffic flow, help relieve congestion, and support regional mobility and accessibility. Once complete, it also would better accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians and enhance safety for all roadway users. Project details, including maps, can be found on the NCDOT project web page at

The virtual public meeting is set for 6 p.m. on March 24. Interested residents can join the meeting online at or call 1-646-749-3122 and use code 815-532-381 to join by phone.

The purpose of the meeting is to inform the public of the project and gather input on the proposed design. People may submit comments​ by April 8 through the project webpage, by calling 984-205-6615, code 2829, or by emailing

NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled people who wish to participate in this workshop. Anyone requiring such services should contact Lauren Putnam at 919-707-6072 or as early as possible so arrangements can be made.

Those who do not speak English, or have a limited availability to read, speak or understand English, may receive interpretive services upon request prior to the meeting by calling 1-800-481-6494.


Last updated 3:37 p.m. on Mar. 22, 2022