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Nighttime Pedestrian Safety

​​​​What Does the Data Say? ​​

On average, about 1,050 vehicle crashes per year involving pedestrians happen at night, about half of all pedestrian crashes. An average of 160 pedestrian fatalities per year occur at night, about 80 percent of all pedestrian fatalities.

Pedestrian-related crashes at night:

  • Mostly occur away from intersections (65 percent)

  • Are split between areas with roadway lighting (51 percent) and without lighting (49 percent)

  • Are more likely to happen during rain than crashes in daylight

What is NCDOT Doing to Address Nighttime Pedestrian-Related Crashes?

The N.C. Department of Transportation focuses on making crosswalks pedestrian crossings more visible at night for pedestrians.
  • Street lighting is provided in areas where little or no lighting is present to improve the visibility of pedestrians to drivers who are approaching the location.
  • Crosswalks are marked with high-visibility markings, which are more eye-catching for drivers.
  • Median islands are added to provide better visibility of the crossing.

For pedestrian nighttime safety needs, locations typically include intersections with marked or unmarked crosswalks and between intersections with heavy pedestrian foot traffic or from data that indicates the risk of pedestrian-related crashes.​

Last updated Apr. 16, 2024