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Regulations & Policies

The N.C. Department of Transportation ensures that all federal and state regulations, policies and guidance regarding traffic noise are followed during the planning and design stages of highways construction projects.

The Federal Highway Administration's regulations and guidance require that NCDOT:

  • Identify the impact of traffic noise on all nearby developed land uses
  • Examine potential noise reduction measures
  • Incorporate all feasible and reasonable noise reduction measures into the highway project
  • Coordinate with local governments to provide pertinent information on noise-compatible land use planning and control

North Carolina Traffic Noise Policy

NCDOT's Traffic Noise Policy, which was approved by the Federal Highway Administration, describes the process used to determine the impact of traffic noise and noise reduction measures as well as using public funds for these measures.

NCDOT's policy on highway traffic noise describes the implementation of the federal traffic noise requirements as they relate to federal and state funded highway construction in North Carolina.

NCDOT’s Traffic Noise Manual is a companion document to the Traffic Noise Policy. Its purpose is to assist NCDOT employees and private co​nsulting firms with the evaluation of traffic and construction noise and the development of appropriate noise reduction measures.

Last updated Jul. 8, 2024