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Adopt-A-Highway: Get Involved

Participation in North Carolina’s Adopt-A-Highway program is free. The N.C. Department of Transportation, however, asks volunteer groups to commit at least four years to cleanups along a 2-mile stretch of roadway. Litter cleanups happen at least four times a year — and sometimes more on heavily traveled roads.

Volunteers must be at least 12 years old and children 12-17 must be supervised by an adult who is at least 21 years old.

NCDOT provides participants safety training, safety vests and trash bags.

Groups may keep their adopted section of highway if their contract is renewed at the end of each four-year period and they meet their required number of pickups.

Applying to Adopt-A-Highway

To volunteer with Adopt-A-Highway, interested groups should first use the litter management map to determine roadway availability and then request a segment when submitting their online application. 

Wake County routinely experiences a large volume of application requests for roads that are already adopted or will be difficult for volunteers to clean ​up. Please contact the Wake County Adopt-A-Highway coordinator to verify the requested road is available before applying.

Apply Now

For questions, contact a local Adopt-A-Highway coordinator.​

Last updated May. 2, 2023