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Title VI Nondiscrimination Implementation Plan

The N.C. Department of Transportation's Office of Civil Rights develops and follows Title VI implementation plans that outline the procedures, strategies and activities used to facilitate and assure nondiscrimination. These plans are internal regulatory documents approved by federal grant agencies to assist in their oversight of the Department's external civil rights enforcement.


Title VI compliance is the responsibility of every NCDOT employee. Implementation plans function as management tools to help officials understand what is required of business units to achieve compliance.

Sub-Recipients and Contractors

Federal funds pass through NCDOT to numerous public and private entities annually. Implementation plans communicate nondiscrimination expectations for NCDOT's sub-recipients (e.g., metropolitan planning organizations, transit providers, local government agencies) and contractors.

General Public

Implementation plans inform the public of NCDOT's commitment to nondiscrimination, fair treatment and inclusive participation, and they provide Title VI contact information and program details. The public may review and comment on NCDOT’s implementation plans at any time before or after their adoption.

Limited English Proficiency Plan

NCDOT is required to provide "meaningful access" for people with limited English proficiency (LEP) to the department's programs, information and services, in accordance with Title VI and Executive Order 13166. To accomplish this, the U.S. Department of Transportation requires that NCDOT develop an LEP ("language assistance") Plan that outlines the reasonable steps NCDOT will take to serve and communicate effectively with LEP populations.

Environmental Justice Strategy

In accordance with Title VI and Executive Order 12898, NCDOT must achieve environmental justice as part of its mission by identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects – including interrelated social and economic effects – of its programs, policies and activities on minority populations and low-income populations.

Last updated Jun. 11, 2019