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State-to-State Verification

​​​What is State-to-State Verification?

​As required by the federal RE​AL ID Act, the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles uses the State-to-State Verification Service to electronically verify if applicants for non-commercial licenses or IDs have such licenses or IDs in other states.

Once an individual is issued a new or duplicate license or ID in North Carolina, any card issued in any other state is automatically canceled.

If an applicant does not want to cancel the out-of-state issuance, they will not be issued a driver license or ID card in North Carolina.

Provided by the American Association of Motor Vehicles Administrators, it helps the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles fight and reduce identity fraud, improve process efficiency with the automation of manual processes and identify and eliminate potential duplicate licenses and ID cards.

Who Does State-to-State Verification Affect?

State-to-State verification affects North Carolina applicants of licenses and IDs who have out-of-state credentials. When an applicant is issued their license or ID for North Carolina, their out-of-state credential is canceled. If an applicant does not want to cancel the out-of-state issuance, they will not be issued a driver license or ID card in North Carolina.

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • How do I find out if my out-of-state credential is canceled?
  • If I have a North Carolina driver license, can I have an ID from another state?
  • Will my commercial driver license be affected by State-to-State?
  • What if I only have an ID card in North Carolina because I am a college student and only need an ID for banking, housing or some other purpose?

Last updated Jul. 27, 2020

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