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What is the S-Line?


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​The S-Line is a freight rail line, owned by CSX, that connects Richmond, Va., to Tampa, Fla. A portion of the former Seaboard Air Railroad mainline, North Carolina and Virginia are purchasing the right of way for the S-line between Petersburg, Va., and Raleigh, to grow freight and passenger rail services.

A portion of the S-Line corridor is currently out of service but once hosted dozens of daily freight and passenger trains and was a lifeline for its surrounding communities.  The corridor is a critical missing link to completing the buildout of the Southeast Corridor and to meet federal and state goals of improving safety and providing economic opportunities and equitable, environmentally sound transportation options.

Additionally, the Southeast Corridor Commission​, which includes North Carolina and Virginia, are evaluating the S-Line corridor for high-performance passenger rail service as part of the route to connect Washington, D.C. to Charlotte and Atlanta, Ga.

S-Line Raleigh to Richmond Project 

S-Line Transit-Oriented Development Study​

Last updated May. 1, 2024