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Statewide Pedestrian & Bicycle Plan

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In 2013, the N.C. Board of Transportation adopted WalkBikeNC, a comprehensive statewide plan for improving bicycling and walking conditions across North Carolina.

Focused on five main principles – mobility, safety, health, the economy and the environment – WalkBikeNC looks at how investments into sidewalks, bike lanes and greenways benefit communities at relatively low costs and how bicycle and pedestrian accommodations are able to:

  • Promote physical, mental and social well-being by providing outdoor places to relax, exercise and socialize

  • Provide easy walking or bicycling connections between neighborhoods, schools, parks and trails

  • Increase property values, promote tourism and foster local businesses by encouraging foot traffic

  • Improve overall quality of life

The plan also provides a synopsis of historic efforts, current trends and future strategies aimed at improving walking and bicycling conditions in the state.



Last updated Nov. 16, 2022