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Delivery Rate

Goal: Deliver & Maintain Infrastructure Effectively & Efficiently

Objective: Let to contract at least 90 percent of planned projects on schedule.

Performance measure: STIP and non-STIP project delivery rate

Data frequency: State fiscal year (FY2023)

Dashboard Goal Table
Previous Result Current Result Target Met
N/A* 66%

The N.C. Department of Transportation uses delivery rate as a performance measure for delivering the State Transportation Improvement Program as well as environmental compliance programs. These are indicators of how well the department is delivering its planning, design, construction and maintenance activities while protecting the state's natural resources.

To be more transparent and meet requirements outlined by the N.C General Assembly, NCDOT maintains a web-based Project Progress Report on all active construction contracts. It is fully searchable and provides detailed project tracking information that includes monthly progress, financial reporting and highway division and county location.

Data updated annually

STIP Success Rate


Percentage of STIP projects let to contract on schedule

Non-STIP Success Rate


Percentage of non-STIP projects let to contract on schedule



Average state environmental compliance score

Last updated Apr. 6, 2022