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Organizational Performance


The N.C. Department of Transportation's Organizational Performance Scorecard serves as an indicator of how well the department is doing in its mission of connecting people, products and places safely and efficiently with customer focus, accountability and environmental sensitivity to enhance the economy and vitality of North Carolina.

NCDOT tracks its performance through six core goals listed below – each of which has at least one objective and one measure.

Goal: Make Transportation Safer - Vision Zero

Objective: Reduce the fatality rate to 1.15 or less.

Performance measure: Fatality rate

Data frequency: Calendar year to date (on a two-month delay)

Dashboard Goal Table
Previous Result Current Result Target Met
1.31 1.36

Goal: Improve Reliability & Connectivity of Transportation System

Objective: Percentage of acceptable travel time reliability on North Carolina Roadways

Performance measure: Highway Reliability

Data frequency: Calendar year to date (daily)

Dashboard Goal Table
Previous Result Current Result Target Met
N/A 83%

Goal: Deliver & Maintain Infrastructure Effectively & Efficiently

Objective: Let to contract 80-90 percent of planned projects on schedule.

Performance measure: Project Development on Schedule STIP

Data frequency: State fiscal year (FY2023)

Dashboard Goal Table
Previous Result Current Result Target Met
N/A* 67%

Objective: Percentage of bridges in good condition with a target of 70-80 percent.

Performance measure: Bridge Health

Data frequency: State fiscal year (FY2023)

Dashboard Goal Table
Previous Result Current Result Target Met
70% 78%

Goal: Provide Great Customer Service

Objective: Achieve an overall customer service satisfaction result of 70-85 percent or more.

Performance measure: Customer satisfaction survey score

Data frequency: Annually (2022)

Dashboard Goal Table
Previous Result Current Result Target Met
68% 74%

Lower satisfaction this year likely due to survey changes, negative media coverage, and severe storms

Goal: Be a Great Place to Work

Objective: Achieve an employee engagement survey score of 5.25 or higher (on a seven-point scale).

Performance measure: Employee engagement survey

Data frequency: Every two years (2021)

Dashboard Goal Table
Previous Result Current Result Target Met
N/A 3.76

Goal: Maintain our Fiscal Responsibility

Objective: End days of cash on hand (90-143 days)

Performance measure: Fiscal Management

Data frequency: State fiscal year (2023)

Dashboard Goal Table
Previous Result Current Result Target Met
131.1 114.8

Goal: Maintain our Environmental Responsibility

Objective: Achieve 5-10 percent of NC registered vehicles that are zero emission vehicles (ZEVs).

Performance measure: Climate

Data frequency: State fiscal year (2023)

Dashboard Goal Table
Previous Result Current Result Target Met
0.52% 0.79%

Goal: Enhance the Diversity of our Workforce & Partnerships

Objective: Achieve 22-31 percent of employees whose ethnicity is identified as a minority

Performance measure: Minority Representation

Data frequency: State fiscal year (2023)

Dashboard Goal Table
Previous Result Current Result Target Met
N/A 23.2%

Goal: Embrace Modernization and New Ideas

Objective: Achieve 70-80 percent of planned State Planning and Research Program (SPR Part B) projects implemented after completion.

Performance measure: Research & Development

Data frequency: State fiscal year (2023)

Dashboard Goal Table
Previous Result Current Result Target Met
42% 44%


Ryan M. Brumfield

Director of Office of Strategic Initiatives & Program Support

1534 Mail Service Center
Raleigh NC 27699-1534

Last updated Jan. 22, 2024