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Committee Members

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Board of Transportation Committee Make-Up
(Subject to Change)​​

Advanced Technologies​ Committee
​Landon Zimmer, Chair
Merrie Jo Alcoke, Vice Chair
​Allen Moran
​Billy Clarke
Chuck McGrady
​Dirk Cody
​Meagan Phillips
​Pat Molamphy

​Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Committee
​Billy Clarke, Chair​
Melvin Mitchell, Vice Chair
​Allen Moran
Chuck McGrady
​Lisa Mathis
Meagan Phillips
Pat Molamphy
Tony Lathrop
​Valerie Jordan​​

​Economic Development & Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Brad Lail, Chair ​​
​Stephen Rosenburgh, Vice Chair
​Dirk Cody
​Grady Hunt
​Kathy Harrington
​Landon Zimmer
​Leo Daughtry
Merrie Jo Alcoke

​Finance Committee (Formerly known as the Funding & Appropriations Strategies Committee)​
 Tony Lathrop, Chair​
Chuck McGrady, Vice Chair
​Brad Lail
​Grady Hunt
​Kathy Harrington
​Landon Zimmer
​Leo Daughtry
​Lisa Mathis
​Meagan Phillips
​Stephen Rosenburgh

​Road, Bridge, Ferry Naming Committee​
Michael Fox, Chair​
Andy Perkins, Vice Chair
​Chuck McGrady
Dirk Cody​
Meagan Phillips
Melvin Mitchell​​
​Pat Molamphy
Tony Lathrop
Valerie Jordan
​Workforce Committee
Grady Hunt, Chair
Valerie Jordan, Vice Chair
Brad Lail
Kathy Harrington
Leo Daughtry
Lisa Mathis
Melvin Mitchell
Tony Lathrop
​Stephen Rosenburgh​

Last updated Apr. 24, 2024