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U.S. 21 Widening

Project Information Left Table
STIP Number:N/A
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Estimated Cost:N/A
Start Date:N/A
Completion Date:N/A

​Project Overview

Improvements to U.S. 21 (Statesville Road) between Gilead Road and Westmoreland Road through Huntersville and Cornelius are needed to improve traffic flow and accommodate projected future traffic volumes. U-5767 includes improvements north of NC 73, U-5771 to the south.

The N.C. Department of Transportation is proposing to widen U.S. 21 (Statesville Road) by adding additional lanes with a center median as well as bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. To improve traffic flow, the design also includes innovative intersection configurations.

The U.S. 21 improvements will be coordinated with other connecting projects in the area:

  • Intersection improvements at U.S. 21 (Statesville Road) and Gilead Road

  • Upgrading the existing I-77 interchange at Gilead Road to a Diverging Diamond Interchange

  • Upgrading the existing I-77 interchange at N.C. 73 (Sam Furr Road) to a split diamond interchange

Upcoming Public Meetings

There are no upcoming public meetings for this project.

Project Funding

This project is listed as Projects U-5767 and U-5771 in the N.C. Department of Transportation's State Transportation Improvement Program. Only U-5771 is currently funded.​

*Estimated costs subject to change


Jason Salisbury, P.E.

Division Construction Engineer
Division 6

P.O. Box 1150
Fayetteville, NC 28302

Last updated Dec. 8, 2022