HENDERSONVILLE – A new traffic pattern is coming to Interstate 26’s Exit 44 as the interstate widening project nears completion in Henderson County.
The U.S. 25 interchange will open Monday morning in a diverging diamond formation, just like the Airport Road interchange four miles away, following a weekend closure. The diverging diamond interchange allows two directions of traffic to temporarily cross to the left side of the road.
“This one major operation will greatly increase capacity, traffic flow and safety of the interchange for all users starting Monday and lasting decades into the future,” Division 14 Engineer Wanda Payne said. “Diverging diamonds are proven to save time, and more importantly, save lives. And we are eager to open this one in Division 14 for the benefit of our residents, visitors, business owners and those who deliver goods and services to our area.”
To make the modification, contract crews will temporarily close all of Exit 44, including its on/off ramps, starting at 7 p.m on Friday before reopening by 6 a.m. Monday as a diverging diamond. A marked detour, complete with flaggers and local law enforcement, will direct traffic along Rugby Drive, Rugby Road and Butler Bridge Road. Residents will have access to their homes, and patrons may visit business along U.S. 25 beyond the detour route up to the bridge.
About a half-dozen sub-contracted companies will have crews working on the interchange this weekend. They will combine to move traffic signals, pour concrete medians, complete concrete islands and stripe new pavement markings.
This interchange will open Monday with the one lane in each direction of U.S. 25 closed. Crews will utilize the closure to build the center safety walls and install permanent traffic signals over the following two weeks. The one-lane pattern will provide drivers with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the operation of the diverging diamond.
DDI Description
Diverging diamond interchanges have proven to be successful in reducing congestion, increasing ramp capacity, improving pedestrian and cyclist facilities in North Carolina and across the country. One national study revealed a 37% reduction in total crashes and a 54% reduction of injury and fatal crashes after interchanges switch to a diverging diamond.
The crossovers gently transition – or diverge – traffic from the right side of the road to the left side of the road and then back again. Because traffic is on the left-hand side between the crossovers, all left turns occur without having to cross opposing traffic.
It moves high volumes of traffic through an intersection without increasing the number of lanes and traffic signals. This movement provides easier access to an interstate.
DDI Driving Tips
When driving through a diverging diamond interchange, motorists proceed through a traffic signal at the entrance to the interchange and simply follow their lane to the opposite side of the roadway. Pavement markings and signals direct motorists to where they need to go.
Motorists accessing the interstate have two options:
Before they cross to the other side at the traffic signal, drivers may go right to reach the on-ramp.
After they have crossed to the other side, drivers may simply turn left, without having to stop or wait for any oncoming traffic, to reach the on-ramp to go in the other direction.
Motorists going straight through the intersection proceed through a second traffic signal and follow their lane back to the right side of the road.
Pedestrians & Cyclists
Pedestrians use signalized pedestrian crossings and are then directed to a center pedestrian island in the middle of the road. Bicyclists can use a bike lane adjacent to the right lane or a median bike lane if one is provided like here in Henderson County.
NCDOT officials anticipate completing the Henderson County section of I-26 widening this autumn.