MANTEO - As peak travel season on the Outer Banks approaches, N.C. Department of Transportation crews will change speed limit signs May 15 to reflect lower speed limits along sections of N.C. 12 in parts of Currituck and Dare counties.
On Wednesday, the speed limits in areas through the tri-villages of Rodanthe, Waves and Salvo, as well as in Avon, Corolla and Frisco, will be lowered to 35 mph from the off-season speed limit of 45 mph. Seasonal speed limit reductions will also return in areas of Cape Hatteras National Seashore, such as the area near the Haulover Parking Lot south of Avon. NCDOT has been reducing speed limits on these sections of N.C. 12 to improve safety during the area’s peak travel season.
Off-season speed limits will return on Sept. 16.