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New Traffic Patterns Coming to Beaufort County Roadway

WASHINGTON – Construction of two projects that will spawn new traffic patterns on U.S. 264 in Beaufort County are scheduled to begin mid-February.

The N.C. Department of Transportation is building concrete islands and bulb outs, or U-turn areas, to form reduced conflict intersections (RCI’s) along U.S. 264 from Asbury Church Road to about a half mile from N.C. 32 (Douglas Crossroads Road). Work is scheduled to begin Feb. 12 and last through winter 2025.

An RCI is a design that enhances safety by eliminating left turns and redirecting drivers from side roads into turning right onto busy main roads. To watch a video and learn more about RCI’s, visit this webpage.

New Roundabout Coming

NCDOT is also transforming the U.S. 264 and N.C. 32 intersection into a roundabout. Construction will start the week of Feb. 12 and is anticipated to be complete late this summer. 

Throughout construction, drivers will be able to use these roads east of Washington but should expect lane closures and traffic shifts. Because of this, drivers are encouraged to reduce speed through the work zone and pay attention to signage and crews. 

The department builds roundabouts to improve safety and traffic flow in an area. To watch a video and learn more about these types of intersections, visit this webpage.

For real-time travel information, visit or follow NCDOT on social media.​


Last updated 6:11 a.m. on Feb. 9, 2024