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Havelock Bypass Construction Requires Temporary Traffic Pattern

​HAVELOCK – As construction on the Havelock Bypass continues, N.C. Department of Transportation crews need to conduct some temporary traffic pattern changes on U.S. 70.

Between Jan. 28 and Feb. 1 and then again Feb. 4-8, one lane in each direction of U.S. 70 will be closed east of Havelock. In addition, crews will shift traffic within the lane closure and use a portable concrete barrier to split traffic. 

The closure will allow crews to install a pipe underneath the highway. To learn more about the Havelock Bypass project, visit this webpage.

While there will not be a detour during the lane closures, drivers are encouraged to slow down and remain alert throughout the work zone.

For real-time travel information, visit or follow NCDOT on social media.


Last updated 8:00 a.m. on Jan. 26, 2024