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Beaufort County Highway to Temporarily Close

AURORA – A section of N.C. 33 west of Aurora will close for about 24 hours this weekend.

Between the evenings of Jan. 26 and 27, N.C 33 near N.C. 306 will close in both directions. The closure will allow for the relocation of drag line equipment across N.C. 33.

Signs alerting the public are posted and a detour is in place. Drivers will be routed to take N.C. 306, N.C 55, NW 3rd Street/ Bay City Road to access either side of the closure.

Due to the detour, the N.C. Department of Transportation advises drivers plan ahead because their commute will take longer than normal. If traveling near the closure, drivers should also use caution.

For real-time travel information, visit or follow NCDOT on social media.


Last updated 8:00 a.m. on Jan. 25, 2024