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Railroad Crossing Repairs Require Union County Road Closures

WAXHAW – Crews with CSX Railroad have scheduled repairs to the crossing at N.C. 16 (Providence Road) and Broome Street in downtown Waxhaw. A five-day closure and detour are needed to get the work completed safely.

Weather permitting, the closure will be in place at 9 a.m. Monday, lasting through midday Friday, Nov. 3. Message boards are currently in place to notify drivers about the upcoming closure. 

The rail company is providing several detours to keep traffic away from the work area:

  • One option takes drivers along Howie Mine, Waxhaw-Indian Trail, and McNeely roads, returning to N.C. 75.
  • A second-choice routes drivers from N.C. 16 to Grey Byrum and Waxhaw-Marvin roads, continuing to Main Street to rejoin N.C. 16.
  • A longer truck detour will be posted along N.C. 16, N.C. 75, and N.C. 84.

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Last updated 8:40 a.m. on Oct. 25, 2023