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Craven County Intersection Converting to All-Way Stop


HAVELOCK – A Havelock intersection is scheduled to become an all-way stop this week.

On Tuesday, the N.C. Department of Transportation will install stop signs and pavement markings on Miller Boulevard at the intersection of Church Road/Lake Road. Currently, traffic on Miller Boulevard does not stop, but based on a safety review that included crash data and traffic volumes, the department determined the intersection would benefit from an all-way stop.

Drivers are urged to slow down while crews are working at the location and be cautious of the new traffic pattern.

An all-way stop is an effective and cost-efficient way to improve the safety of an intersection and reduce the risk of serious crashes. To learn more, visit this NCDOT webpage.

For real-time travel information, visit or follow NCDOT on social media.


Last updated 8:00 a.m. on Sep. 18, 2023