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Huntersville Interchange, I-77 Lanes to Temporarily Close

HUNTERSVILLE – N.C. Department of Transportation contract crews will close  I-77 South near Gilead Road (exit 23) next weekend, weather permitting. The closure is part of a $30.8 million project to convert the existing Gilead Road interchange at Interstate 77 to a diverging diamond interchange and make additional improvements to U.S. 21 (Statesville Road) on either side of Gilead Road.

The diverging diamond design allows two directions of traffic to temporarily cross to the left side of the road, providing easier access to the interstate. The project also includes a new bridge to handle eastbound traffic over I-77, with the existing bridge serving westbound drivers.

In addition, a section of U.S. 21 will be widened from two to four lanes on either side of Gilead Road to accommodate a reduced conflict intersection design, a type of intersection that redirects side-street traffic from going straight or left at a divided highway intersection.

Contract crews will close all southbound lanes, including the express lanes, just past the exit from 11 p.m. – 5 a.m. Sept. 7, 8 and 9. This will allow workers to safely install girders for the new bridge being built next to Gilead Road.

Drivers will be detoured from I-77 South to exit 23 where they can drive across Gilead Road and take the entrance ramp to I-77 South. Law enforcement will be directing traffic on Gilead Road during the closures.

Additional closures will be scheduled throughout the month as weather permits.

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Last updated 2:30 p.m. on Sep. 1, 2023