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Weekend Bridge, Lane Closure Planned for I-40 Project

GARNER – A bridge and lane closure are scheduled for this weekend in two separate locations along the Interstate 40 widening project between Raleigh and Clayton.

Weather permitting, crews plan to close the Jones Sausage Road bridge from 9 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Monday to conduct bridge deck repairs that will prepare the structure for an upcoming realignment to a diverging diamond design. During this time, drivers headed north on Jones Sausage Road will be detoured to take I-40 East, U.S. 70 Business East (Exit 306) and the Greenfield Parkway interchange to turn around and follow U.S. 70 Business West and I-40 West back to Jones Sausage Road (Exit 303). Southbound Jones Sausage Road traffic will take I-40 West to the Rock Quarry Road interchange (Exit 300A) and head back on I-40 East to the Jones Sausage Road exit.

When the bridge reopens, there will be a slightly rev​ised traffic pattern with one less lane on the southbound side.

Also from 9 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Monday, the contractor plans to close the outside lane of I-40 East between N.C. 42 (Exit 312) and the Cornwallis Road bridge to construct new collector/distributor lanes and shift traffic onto them in a temporary pattern. This work is also weather dependent and subject to change.

Drivers should factor the detours into their trips and stay alert as crews will be working close to the travel lanes in these areas.​


Last updated 10:20 a.m. on Jul. 21, 2023