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Major Project Requires Traffic Shift on U.S. 52 in Forsyth County


WINSTON-SALEM – The N.C. Department of Transportation will implement a lane closure on U.S. 52 this weekend to facilitate a traffic shift that will tie into the Winston-Salem Northern Beltway project.

Beginning at 7 p.m. Friday, the right lane of the highway will close near its interchange with N.C. 65. The closure is necessary to shift traffic from the old U.S. 52 North alignment to the new alignment. Once the tie-in work is complete, the left lane will be closed to allow crews to safely finish striping the road.

The onramp from N.C. 65 to U.S. 52 North and the offramp from U.S. 52 North to Westinghouse Road will also be closed periodically on Saturday to facilitate the traffic switch. A signed detour will be posted using N.C. 65, Tobaccoville and Westinghouse roads to access U.S. 52. 

All work is expected to be complete by 10 p.m. Saturday and the new two-lane pattern will then be opened to traffic.

Motorists are reminded to slow down and use extra caution while traveling through the work zone.


Last updated 4:24 p.m. on Jul. 19, 2023