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Improvements Are Coming to a Greenville Intersection


GREENVILLE – Improvements to traffic flow and safety are coming to a Greenville intersection this year. 

Beginning Monday, contract crews for the N.C. Department of Transportation will begin the improvements at Greenville Boulevard (U.S. 264A) and Old Pactolous Road. Work includes removing the existing crossover on U.S. 264A and installing crossovers and U-turns to the north and south of the intersection.

The contractor will install daily lane closures. The existing crossover will be removed starting May 15, weather permitting. Construction is expected to be complete early this fall.

During the construction, drivers are encouraged to seek alternate routes, when possible, but if traveling in the area use caution and slow down.

For real-time travel information, visit or follow NCDOT on social media.​


Last updated 9:45 a.m. on Jul. 5, 2023