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Columbus County Bridge Will Be Replaced

FAIR BLUFF – The U.S. 76 bridge over Gapway Swamp near the N.C./S.C. border will be replaced, thanks to a $3.8 million contract awarded this week by the N.C. Department of Transportation.

The bridge was built in 1927 and has reached the end of its service life. The project will require U.S. 76 to close while the bridge is replaced.

As part of this contract, two secondary roads for the detour route will be resurfaced and improved before the bridge replacement gets underway. The improvements total almost 3 miles and will make Irvin Enzor Road and Hinsons Crossroads safer for commercial truck traffic and other drivers.

The improvements will include adding two feet of paved shoulders, which will give drivers more room to safely correct if they stray past the solid white line.

The winning bidder, ES Wagner Co. LLC of Charlotte, can start work after May 31, and will have until summer 2024 to replace the bridge and complete the other roadway improvements.

When the contractor is ready to close U.S. 76 to demolish the bridge, NCDOT will post a notice at; people can search under “Columbus County." The detour will consist of Irvin Enzor Road, Hinsons Crossroads, N.C. 904 and Main Street.


Last updated 10:09 a.m. on May. 2, 2023