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N.C. 34 in Currituck County to Close for Pipe Replacements

​SHAWBORO – A section of N.C. 34 in the Currituck County community of Shawboro will be closed between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. April 11-13 to allow two crossline drainage pipes to be replaced.

The road will be closed to through traffic during the pipe replacement, but all local traffic will be able to get to homes and businesses in the area. Temporary traffic signs will be in place to detour motorists from N.C. 168 onto U.S. 158.
Work is set to begin on the pipe replacement Tuesday at 8 a.m. and is scheduled to end by the end of the day Thursday.


Last updated 8:45 a.m. on Apr. 6, 2023