RALEIGH - The following are highlights from this week at the N.C. Department of Transportation. The stories below are also featured in
NCDOT Now, the department's weekly newscast.
Greensboro Urban Loop Opens
Many local and state officials were on hand as the N.C. Department of Transportation opened a new 4-mile stretch of the
Greensboro Urban Loop, officially completing the 49-mile project.
Interstate 840, the designation that will follow the northern half of the loop, will meet significant transportation needs for the triad region.
The highway will relieve congestion that has clogged the city's major arteries for years, and will create better connections between the city and locations to the north.
NC By Train Ridership
Over 522,000 passengers rode NC By Train, setting a new record in the intercity rail service's 32-year history.
NC By Train provides multiple trains throughout the day between Raleigh and Charlotte, as well as daily service connecting Charlotte, Raleigh, and New York through the Carolinian.
Ferry Division Career Fairs
The North Carolina Ferry Division will host a series of four career events next month to find qualified applicants to staff its ferries, terminals, and shipyards.
Applications will be accepted for temporary and full-time positions at all experience levels, from general utility worker to experienced boat captains.
For a listing of the Ferry Division's job openings, visit the state jobs
Future City Competition
The 30th annual Future City Regional Finals were held at N.C. State's McKimmon Center this past weekend.
The event hosts middle school students from across the country as they design a climate change adaptation and mitigation strategy for a city 100 years in the future.
Working as a team, students present their vision and scale models of their cities to a panel of STEM professionals including NCDOT engineers.
Future City Finals take place next month in Washington D.C.
For more information about NCDOT Now, contact the NCDOT Communications Office at (919) 707-2660. Additional news stories from throughout the week can be found on