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I-540 Ramp Meters to be Reactivated


​RALEIGH – After being deactivated for more than two years due to decreased traffic volume associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, the N.C. Department of Transportation is preparing to turn the ramp meters back on during the morning commute at four Interstate 540 interchanges in North Raleigh.

Also called on-ramp signals, these devices regulate traffic merging onto a freeway, working just like traffic signals commonly used on roadways. When they are activated, vehicles on the ramp must stop when the signal is red and wait until it turns green before proceeding to the freeway. Only one or two vehicles can merge at a time, creating a gap between vehicles.

The signals at the following ramps onto I-540 West will be back in operation the morning of June 28:

  • ​Falls of Neuse Road (Exit 14)
  • Six Forks Road (Exit 11)
  • Creedmoor Road (Exit 9)
  • Leesville Road (Exit 7)
Ramp metering is generally used during peak travel times but can be activated any time in response to special circumstances affecting traffic flow, such as special events, crashes, or construction.

Benefits include smoother traffic flow, which means more reliable freeway travel times, and smoother merges resulting in improved safety and fewer crashes.

For more information on ramp meters, visit the department’s webpage​.


Last updated 11:07 a.m. on Jun. 24, 2022