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NCDOT Will Modernize A Wilson Street

WILSON –The state Transportation Department is collaborating with the city of Wilson to modernize a road near Barton College to improve pedestrian access and storm drainage.

The department recently awarded a $2 million contract to have the following improvements completed to a half-mile section of Raleigh Road Parkway North between the roundabout and N.C. 42/Ward Boulevard:

  • Resurface and restripe what is a currently four-lane road into one travel lane in each direction;
  • Construct a 10-foot multiuse path and raised median on the north side of the road; and
  • Make storm drainage improvements on the south side of the roadway.

These changes are a collaborative effort to improve vehicular traffic safety and pedestrian access along this road. It has been determined by NCDOT and the city of Wilson that the amount of traffic using this route does not require four lanes.

The city is also partnering with the NCDOT by having completed the storm drainage designs for this contract. Once the project is finished, the department will turn this section of the road over to the city for perpetual maintenance at the city's request.

Construction is expected to be underway by the first of the new year and be completed by next fall.


Last updated 11:18 a.m. on Nov. 7, 2022