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Craven County Highway Will Be Resurfaced

NEW BERN – Drivers using an 8-mile section of N.C. 43 north of New Bern will encounter daytime lane closures and delays starting this week while crews resurface the highway.

A contractor will mill away the old asphalt and lay new pavement on the two-lane highway between N.C. 55 and U.S. 17. The work will require flagging operations to control one direction of traffic at a time where construction is occurring.

The work on the heavily traveled highway is scheduled to start Wednesday morning, weather permitting, and take until mid-November to be completed.

Motorists should expect delays, use caution in the work zone and be alert for workers and equipment.
The N.C. Department of Transportation awarded this $2 million repaving contract last year.


Last updated 8:49 a.m. on Oct. 4, 2022