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Ocracoke Express Passenger Ferry to End Seasonal Service Today

​HATTERAS – The Ocracoke Express passenger ferry will be ending its 2022 seasonal service today, due to the bad weather forecast to impact the Outer Banks starting tomorrow.  

The passenger ferry service had been scheduled to end Friday.

With the remnants of Hurricane Ian expected to pass to the west, a stalled front offshore, and a strong high pressure system to the north, strong winds and heavy rain are forecast for much of eastern North Carolina throughout the weekend.

Other North Carolina ferry routes will likely be impacted as the weather deteriorates.
Travelers are urged to check on their route’s status via the Twitter feeds found on under the heading ‘Current Conditions’, or to phone their route’s terminal office before arriving.

Initial figures show the passenger ferry service performed well this season, which was the service’s first official season with a state-owned vessel. More than 25,000 people used the Ocracoke Express since it’s opening day May 17.


Last updated 4:48 p.m. on Sep. 28, 2022