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Halifax County Route Gets New Traffic Pattern for Safety

Old Farm Road in Halifax County improved

Old Farm Road (shown) in Roanoke Rapids has recently been resurfaced and restriped into a new traffic pattern to improve safety.

ROANOKE RAPIDS – Drivers are following a new traffic pattern on a section of Old Farm Road that has been repaved.

A state contractor has recently completed resurfacing and restriping into a new traffic pattern a half-mile stretch of Old Farm Road between Julian Allsbrook Highway and Becker Drive. Before the project, this stretch had two lanes in each direction.

Now there is one through lane going south – toward Julian Allsbrook Highway – but the other direction has retained its two through lanes.

An open center-turn lane has been created between Lowes Drive and Becker Drive, with additional left and turn lanes at its Lowes Drive intersection, which feeds into shopping areas on either side.

The N.C. Department of Transportation made the new traffic pattern after reviewing the crash pattern, traffic volumes and sight distance along this roadway.

Before the change, drivers on Old Farm Road had difficulty turning left onto Lowes Drive from either direction because they couldn't always see traffic in the outside opposing lane. Additionally, the open center turn lane allows drivers to turn left without impeding traffic behind them.

Temporary lane markings have been placed; the contractor will return within a month to place high-visibility, thermoplastic lane markings over the resurfaced road.


Last updated 9:27 a.m. on Jun. 13, 2022