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Ferry Service Interruptions Occurring Due to Mechanical Issues, COVID-19 Cases


OCRACOKE – The N.C. Department of Transportation’s Ferry Division is currently experiencing an uptick in schedule interruptions on its Cedar Island, Swan Quarter and Hatteras routes due to unexpected mechanical issues and positive COVID-19 tests among crews.

Currently, three of the ferries on the Pamlico Sound routes and one on the Hatteras route are not running due to mechanical issues. Ferry Division maintenance crews are working as quickly as possible to return all vessels to service and resume full schedules.

In addition, COVID cases are on the rise locally and have affected recent departure schedules on the Hatteras route. While nearly all the recent cases have recovered and returned to work, future cases are impossible to predict and may result in other schedule interruptions.

Before departing, travelers should check their preferred route’s Twitter feed on the Ferry System’s website, or call their terminals at Hatteras (252-996-6000), Cedar Island (252-463-7040) or Swan Quarter (252-791-3300) to find out about any schedule delays or cancellations.

In addition, travelers going to Ocracoke from Hatteras can currently make reservations on the Ocracoke Express passenger ferry, which makes three round trips daily directly between Hatteras and Ocracoke Village.

The Ferry Division is also looking to hire more crewmembers for summer positions. To find out more and to apply, go to the state employment website​ and enter the word ‘ferry’ in the search box.


Last updated 4:08 p.m. on May. 19, 2022