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Overnight Closures Planned This Week on Wade Avenue Under I-440

​RALEIGH – Ongoing work on the Interstate 440 Improvements Project​ will require weeklong overnight closures on Wade Avenue.

Starting tonight, Wade Avenue underneath I-440 will be closed in both directions from midnight until 5 a.m. the next day as crews place girders on the new bridge over Wade Avenue. These closures will be repeated Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

During the time of the closures, westbound traffic on Wade Avenue will be directed on to I-440 East and Lake Boone Trail (Exit 5) to turn around and take I-440 West to Wade Avenue (Exit 4B). Traffic on I-440 East wanting to go west on Wade Avenue will follow this detour as well. The westbound detour is viewable here.

Eastbound Wade Avenue traffic will be directed on to I-440 West and Hillsborough Street (Exit 3) and then to I-440 East to Wade Avenue (Exit 4). Traffic on I-440 West wanting to go east on Wade Avenue will follow the same detour. The eastbound detour is viewable here.

Motorists need to slow down and pay extra attention as they travel through the work zone. For real-time travel information, visit​ or follow NCDOT on social media.


Last updated 8:26 a.m. on May. 16, 2022