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Union County Family Receives April “Saved by the Belt” Award



Kelly Martinez and her two children, of Union County, are the April recipients of the "Saved by The Belt" Award. 
RALEIGH – Kelly Martinez and her two children know that seat belts save lives. 

The Martinez’s were returning from vacation when they encountered heavy traffic on Interstate 85 in Gaston County. The Martinez’s stopped. But the Toyota Sienna behind them did not. The impact sent their car into a Ford F-150.
Kelly and her 9-year-old son, Conner were wearing seat belts, and her 2-year-old daughter, Quinn, was properly restrained in her child safety seat.
“I believe, without having the proper restraints, serious injury could have happened to me or my children,” Martinez said.
For their smart decision to buckle up, the Martinez family is receiving the April “Saved by the Belt” Award from the N.C. Governor’s Highway Safety Program​.
The Saved by the Belt initiative raises awareness about the importance of everyone buckling up by highlighting people who avoided serious injury or death in a motor vehicle crash by wearing their seatbelt.

"I am blessed to be able to experience another day with my family because I chose to wear my seat belt properly, and would encourage EVERYONE to buckle up!" said Martinez.
Share your “Saved by the Belt,” stories to raise awareness, and follow us @NCGHSP on Facebook and @NC_GHSP on Twitter and Instagram. For more information, visit


Last updated 2:22 p.m. on Apr. 13, 2022