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Chatham County Roadway Improvements Upcoming

​RALEIGH – More than a dozen mil​es of roads in Chatham County will soon be improved through a contract awarded by the state Transportation Department.

Milling, resurfacing and shoulder reconstruction work along nearly 15 miles of roads in the county can begin as early as July and is set for final completion by summer 2023.

The locations to be improved consist of one section of U.S. 421 and 24 sections of secondary roads.

Boggs Contracting Inc. of Monroe, N.C. was awarded the contract with the low bid of $4.46 million.

Drivers should be mindful of crews who will be close to travel lanes in areas where the work is taking place and expect the possibility of brief delays where lane closures are needed.


Last updated 3:56 p.m. on Feb. 28, 2022