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From the North Pole to North Carolina: NCDOT Assisting Santa During Winter Weather Weekend

From the North Pole to North Carolina: NCDOT Assisting Santa During Winter Weather Weekend

​​NCDOT teams up with Santa. ​​​

​RALEIGH – Santa Claus isn’t the only one at work this weekend. The N.C. Department of Transportation is clearing the way for Old Kris Kringle to make his way once again to North Carolina homes.

NCDOT officials have been meeting with Saint Nick regularly to discuss travel options from the North Pole to North Carolina as winter weather lingers.

  • ​The Division of Aviation has drones on standby ready to deliver presents if needed.
  • Our Ferry Division crews are prepped to help Santa reach the Island of Misfit Toys.
  • The Rail Division is ready in c​​ase Santa and his reindeer need assistance from the Polar Express getting back to the North Pole.
  • The path to Mount Crumpit was extended thanks to a grant from our Integrated Mobility Division, so folks can walk in a winter wonderland.
NCDOT’s Highway Division is responding to winter weather impacts. Crews ask, if possible, for travelers to stay off the roads to give Santa plenty of room in these less than ideal driving and flying conditions.​

“The best way to spread holiday cheer is staying safe and keeping roads clear,” said Santa. “NCDOT crews are on the nice list this year.”

If you must venture over the river and through the woods: 

  • Check real-time driving conditions at
  • If possible, leave early for your trip.
  • Slow down and maintain a safe distance between you and other vehicles or sleighs.
  • Approach bridges and overpasses with extreme caution since they accumulate ice first.
  • Come to a complete stop and yield the right-of-way when approaching an intersection where traffic lights are out. Treat this as a four-way stop. 
For real-time flying information, visit the official Santa tracker​.​


Last updated 10:30 a.m. on Dec. 28, 2022