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Westinghouse Boulevard Set to Close This Weekend

CHARLOTTE – This weekend, N.C. Department of Transportation contract crews will close a section of Westinghouse Boulevard between South Boulevard and Downs Road this week as part of the ongoing Interstate 485 express lanes project.

Westinghouse Boulevard will be closed in both directions at 8 p.m. Friday, and one lane will be closed on the outer loop of I-485 from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Saturday, ​allowing crews to safely start demolishing the old bridge taking I-485 over Westinghouse Boulevard. The demolition will start at the center of the bridge deck, working in both directions. Once the deck is removed, crews will move to take down the bridge girders and haul them away. All lanes are expected to open by 5 a.m. Monday.

A detour will be in place for drivers from Westinghouse Boulevard to South Boulevard, N.C. 51, and Downs Road. Access to Rodney Street and Old Nations Ford Road will be maintained. Law enforcement will be on site to help alert drivers to the work area.

The I-485 express lanes project will add an express lane in the median and deliver additional corridor improvements along Interstate 485 between I-77 and U.S. 74 (Independence Boulevard).

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Last updated 3:40 p.m. on Dec. 8, 2021