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Emerald Isle Bridge Improvements to Resume


EMERALD ISLE – Contractors making improvements on the Emerald Isle Bridge will resume work beginning Oct. 4, weather permitting. 

The work, which will require a lane closure, is part of a project continuing from last year to preserve the bridge against the harsh saltwater environment and ultimately extend the life of the bridge. 

Motorists should expect a lane closure between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. Monday through Friday; however, lane closures could be installed on Saturday or Sunday night if work during the week is delayed due to weather. Contractors will use flaggers at the ends of the work zone to direct traffic.

The department plans to continue work through May but will send regular updates as the schedule will change.

While a lane may not always be closed during the permitted times, drivers should anticipate this pattern and plan ahead as their commute may take longer than normal. NCDOT urges drivers to also use caution and remain alert around the bridge.

For real-time travel information, visit or follow NCDOT on social media.​


Last updated 3:22 p.m. on Sep. 29, 2022