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Elm Lane Bridge Opens to Traffic

​CHARLOTTE – The Elm Lane bridge opened this morning, as part of the I-485 express lanes project underway to add an express lane and deliver additional corridor improvements along Interstate 485 between I-77 and U.S. 74 (Independence Boulevard).

“We're excited to open this bridge and provide a vital connection for our neighbors in south Charlotte," said Board of Transportation At-Large Member Stephen Rosenburgh. “This new structure will give everyone a safer way to get around by car, bike or on foot."

Elm Lane was closed to traffic between N.C. 51 and Ballantyne Commons Parkway so contract crews could safely demolish the existing bridge over I-485. The new bridge features an additional travel lane, a 12 – foot multi-use path on the west side, and an 8–foot sidewalk on the east side.

The express lanes project also includes these improvements:

  • Adding one general purpose lane in each direction of I-485 between Rea Road and Providence Road
  • Widening the bridge carrying Ballantyne Commons Parkway over I-485 in Charlotte
  • Improving the interchange at John Street in Matthews
  • Building an interchange at Weddington Road in Matthews

“The Elm Lane bridge is one piece of a larger improvement Charlotte needs," says Board of Transportation member Tony Lathrop. “This would not be possible without our contract partners and other stakeholders working hard to deliver this project."

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Last updated 1:33 p.m. on Sep. 2, 2021