HENDERSONVILLE – The finishing touches are ready to be applied to a new bridge over Interstate 26 as part of the major project to widen the interstate from Hendersonville to Asheville.
A contractor for the N.C. Department of Transportation will close Clear Creek Road at the bridge over I-26 for three weeks starting on Monday, April 5 so crews can connect the bridge to the road on both sides, install reflective markers, add new paint and additional finishing details.
The marked detour will direct southbound traffic to use Howard Gap Road, U.S. 64 and North Main Street, and in reverse order if traveling north. Residential access to Hyder Farm Road and Nix Road will be adjusted as necessary.
The new bridge on Clear Creek Road over I-26 is the first of seven new bridges over the intestate in Henderson County to be completed.
Crews will remove the existing bridge later this spring. That process will likely entail utilizing the Integrated Corridor Management system during night closures, similar to the process utilized to remove the span on Butler Bridge Road.
Transportation officials remind drivers to slow down in active work zones and obey all posted signs.