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Westinghouse Boulevard Closure Starts Sunday Night

CHARLOTTE –  N.C. Department of Transportation contract crews will close a section of Westinghouse Boulevard between Rodney Street and Old Nations Ford Road to safely continue partial demolition of the Interstate 485 overpass. The work is part of the $346 million I-485 express lanes project that will add an express lane in the median and deliver additional corridor improvements along Interstate 485 between I-77 and U.S. 74 (Independence Boulevard).

Travel lanes on this section of I-485 were recently shifted to the median, so the demolition will be focused on the outer portion of the bridge on the inner loop. Traffic on I-485 will not be impacted.

The staged demolition will allow construction of new bridges with a large offset between them to provide a direct connection to the future express lanes.

The demolition will require closing Westinghouse Boulevard just after midnight Sunday, opening by 5 a.m. Monday. The closures will take place at the same time through Saturday morning, Aug. 15. 

A detour will be in place for drivers from Westinghouse Boulevard to South Boulevard, N.C. 51 and Downs Road. 

For real-time travel information, visit or follow NCDOT on social media​. For more information on the I-485 Express Lanes please visit​


Last updated 4:00 p.m. on Aug. 7, 2020