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Railroad Crossing Upgrades in Fayetteville Region

FAYETTEVILLE – CSX Corp. officials have informed the N.C. Department of Transportation they will temporarily close several railroad crossings in Robeson, Cumberland, Harnett and Johnston counties for track maintenance.

Railroad maintenance crews today have begun work in Robeson County, and in a few weeks, they will move northward into Cumberland, Harnett and Johnston counties. A crossing closure typically lasts three to five days.

Because of the size of work and the use of multiple crews, it’s impossible to say in advance which railroad crossing will close on which date. This downloadable PDF shows the timeframe of which roads will be affected.

Drivers should use caution on these roads near any railroad crossing and be prepared for a temporary closure. Signs will be placed for drivers to detour around the blocked crossing.


Last updated 2:46 p.m. on Apr. 13, 2020