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South Charlotte Traffic Shift Scheduled Tonight on I-485


CHARLOTTE – Tonight, N.C. Department of Transportation contract crews  will shift traffic on the Interstate 485 inner loop between South Boulevard and Interstate 77, weather permitting. The work is part of the $346 million I-485 express lanes project that will add an express lane and deliver additional corridor improvements along Interstate 485 between I-77 and U.S. 74 (Independence Boulevard).​​

The shift will start around 8 p.m. and wrap up by 6 a.m. Tuesday. Drivers heading south on South Boulevard after 11 p.m. will not be able to access the inner loop. Instead, they can make a U-turn and head north to the inner loop entrance ramp.

This traffic shift will allow crews to work on future connectors at Westinghouse Boulevard.​​

The State of North Carolina will own the I-485 express lanes. The N.C. Turnpike Authority and the N.C. Department of Transportation are leading the planning, construction and maintenance of the lanes. All tolling, account management and toll collection customer service will be administered by the Turnpike Authority.

The project is expected to open to traffic in late 2022. ​​

Drivers should slow down and use extra caution while going through the work zones and the detour route and be alert for construction crews or equipment. ​
For real-time travel information, visit or follow NCDOT on social media.


Last updated 3:30 p.m. on Mar. 30, 2020