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Storm Drain Cleaning Requires Ramp Closures at I-485 Interchanges

​​CHARLOTTE - N.C. Department of Transportation contract crews will be cleaning storm drains at interchanges as part of the I-485 express lanes project​, which will add an express lane in each direction between I-77 and U.S. 74. The $346 million project was awarded to Blythe Construction in October 2018.

The project will also include the following improvements:

  • Adding one general purpose lane in each direction of I-485 between Rea Road and Providence Road
  • Widening the bridge carrying Ballantyne Commons Parkway over I-485 in Charlotte
  • Improving the interchange at John Street in Matthews
  • Building an interchange at Weddington Road in Matthews

Ramp closures will be in place beginning Tuesday, June 4. Crews will start work at midnight, progressing through the night, wrapping up the closures by 5 a.m. the next day. The interchanges include:

June 4

  •  Entrance ramp from Rea Road northbound to the Inner Loop

  •  Exit ramp from the Inner Loop to Johnston Road southbound

  •  ​Entrance ramp from South Boulevard northbound  to the Inner Loop

June 5

    •  ​Entrance ramp from Johnston Road southbound to the Outer Loop

    •  ​Entrance ramp from Rea Road southbound to the Outer Loop

June 6

  •  Entrance ramp from Providence Road southbound to the Outer Loop
  •  Exit ramp from the Outer Loop to U.S. 74 West​

The state of North Carolina will own the I-485 express lanes. The N.C. Turnpike Authority and the N.C. Department of Transportation are leading the planning, construction and maintenance of the lanes. The Turnpike Authority will administer the tolling, account management and toll collection customer service operations. 

Construction is anticipated to begin later this summer, and the project is expected to open to traffic in late 2022. ​


Last updated 12:36 p.m. on Jun. 5, 2019