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How to Safely Navigate The Business 40 Improvement Project Work Zone

WINSTON-SALEM — Safety is the N.C. Department of Transportation's highest priority when it comes to those who travel North Carolina's roads.

Below are some general guidelines for various situations that can help drivers, motorcyclists and bicyclists safely arrive at their destinations.

More on driver safety can be found in the Division of Motor Vehicle's driver's handbook (available in both English and Spanish). Safety guidelines are also available for motorcyclists and bicyclists.

Even though workers might not be present in work zones, motorists should still expect narrowed or closed lanes, traffic shifts and reduced speed limits as well as other conditions that might affect normal travel.

The following guidelines apply not only to general travel but also travel through work zones:

  • Stay alert
  • Wear a seat belt
  • Don't drink and drive
  • Be patient and obey posted speed limits. (The penalty for speeding through a marked work zone is $250.)
  • Use alternate routes, when possible, to avoid traffic congestion.
  • Use approved child restraints
  • Be patient and obey the posted speed limit;
  • Don't tailgate
  • Avoid in-car distractions
  • Watch out for road debris
  • Leave early to get a head start on your drive and travel at non-peak times

Cars Moving throug the Triangle

North Carolina's "Move Over" law requires drivers to change lanes or slow down (if shifting lanes isn't possible) when passing stopped law enforcement and emergency vehicles, wreckers with flashing lights and incident management assistance patrol vehicles.

The "Fender Bender" law requires drivers involved in non-injury wrecks to clear the roadway to help keep traffic moving and reduce the likelihood of secondary crashes.

For real-time travel information, visit or follow NCDOT on Twitter.


Last updated 11:43 a.m. on Oct. 3, 2018