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Improvements on the Way to Gaston County Road

CHERRYVILLE – The N.C. Department of Transportation has awarded a $15.8 million contract to improve safety and mobility on an eight-mile stretch of N.C. 279 in Gaston County.

The roadway will be widened to create passing zones in four locations between St. Marks Church Road near Cherryville to just west of where N.C. 275 meets N.C. 279 in Dallas. The locations include:

  • Between St. Marks Church Road and Whitesides Road
  • Between Bess Town Road and Long Shoals Road
  • Between Freeman Park Road and Ashbrook Park Road
  • Between White Jenkins Road and Durkee Lane

Some areas within the project limits will be resurfaced where three lanes already exist between the passing zones. A section between Camp Sertoma Road and White Jenkins Road will be converted to a three-lane section, with the middle lane being a continuous two-way turn lane.

Contractor Sloan Construction can start work as early as Jan. 2, 2019 and must complete all roadwork by Nov. 1, 2020. Vegetation and landscaping work can continue through April 30, 2021.

This is one of nine highway and bridge projects awarded statewide in November by the N.C. Department of Transportation. As required by state law, the contracts went to the lowest qualified bidder.


Last updated 3:32 p.m. on Dec. 27, 2018