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Completed Peters Creek Parkway Bridge to Open Monday

WINSTON-SALEM – A major traffic artery in Winston-Salem will open on Monday.

On Monday, Nov. 12, at 6 a.m., the completed Peters Creek Parkway bridge will open to traffic. Drivers will be able to use four of the six lanes and use the final extension of the road to West First Street.

However, before that happens, Peters Creek Parkway will be closed this weekend to complete the work.

Starting at 9 p.m. Friday, Peters Creek Parkway will close between Academy and West First streets. The parkway will reopen Monday, Nov. 12 at 6 a.m. Access will be available for residents and businesses inside the closed area.

Additionally, the outside lanes of Business 40 will be closed in both directions:

  • The right land of eastbound Business 40 will be closed from Friday, Nov. 9, at 9 p.m. until around noon, on Saturday, Nov. 10.

  • The right lane of westbound Business 40 will be closed from Friday, Nov. 9, at 9 p.m. until Sunday, Nov. 11, at 4 p.m.

Larry Shaver, NCDOT senior assistant resident engineer, explained that the closure of these lanes will allow crews to work underneath the bridge and pave the ramps where they tie to Business 40. This work must be completed before Peters Creek Parkway is reopened.

NCDOT officials say the best time to do this work is while the parkway is closed.

NCDOT has established the following detours:

  • Northbound Peters Creek Parkway traffic - Motorists wishing to continue north on Peters Creek Parkway will turn right onto Academy Street, left onto Marshall Street, right onto High Street, left onto Cherry Street, and left onto West First Street.  West First Street will bring motorists back to the Peters Creek Parkway/Second Street intersection.
  • Southbound Peters Creek Parkway from Eastbound West First Street - Drivers wishing to turn right onto southbound Peters Creek Parkway from eastbound West First Street will turn left onto Second Street, right onto Marshall Street, and right onto Academy Street.  Academy Street will bring motorists back to Peters Creek Parkway south of the closed portion.
  • Southbound Peters Creek Parkway from Westbound West First Street - Drivers wishing to travel south on Peters Creek Parkway from westbound West First Street will turn left onto Marshall Street and then right onto Academy Street.  Academy Street will bring motorists to Peters Creek Parkway south of the closed portion.
  • Northbound Peters Creek Parkway from Eastbound Business 40 - Eastbound Business 40 motorists will take Exit 5C and continue on High Street, turn left on Cherry Street, and left on West First Street.  West First Street will bring motorists back to the Peters Creek Parkway/Second Street intersection.
  • Southbound Peters Creek Parkway from Eastbound Business 40 - Eastbound Business 40 motorists will take Exit 5C and continue on High Street, turn right onto Marshall Street and right onto Academy Street.  Academy Street will bring motorists to Peters Creek Parkway south of the closed portion.
  • Northbound Peters Creek Parkway from Westbound Business 40 - Westbound Business 40 motorists will take Exit 5C, turn right onto Cherry Street and left onto West First Street.  West First Street will bring motorists to the Peters Creek Parkway/Second Street intersection.
  • Southbound Peters Creek Parkway from Westbound Business 40 - Westbound Business 40 motorists will take Exit 5C, turn right onto Cherry Street, left onto West First Street, left onto Marshall Street, and right onto Academy Street.  Academy Street will bring motorists to Peters Creek Parkway south of the closed portion.

The completion of Peters Creek Parkway has been a critical component to the closing of Business 40. Work started in Fall 2017. The parkway will be one of three primary detours motorists will take to get to downtown Winston-Salem. The others are U.S. 52 and I-40.

Business 40, between Peters Creek Parkway and U.S. 52, will close on Saturday, Nov. 17, at 6 a.m. The Main Street, Church Street, Liberty Street and the Strollway Pedestrian Bridge will close at the same time.


Last updated 2:25 p.m. on Dec. 18, 2018