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oundabout Safety Facts​​

These safety improvements were achieved after roundabouts replaced 13 intersections with 55 mph speed limits:

  • Total crashes: Down 41%
  • Fatal and injury crashes: Down 79%
  • Frontal-impact crashes: Down 62%
Source: NCDOT’s Traffic Safety Unit (2020)

Similar results were found after 30 roundabouts were constructed across North Carolina​:

  • Total crashes: Down 46%
  • Fatal and injury crashes: Down 76%
  • Front-impact (head-on) crashes: Down 75%​
Source: NCDOT's Mobility and Sa​​fety Division (2011)​​
​The N.C. Department of Transportation builds roundabouts to improve safety for drivers,​ pedestrians and bicyclists. They also help reduce the congestion and backups more typical of traditional intersections with stop signs and traffic signals.

A driver generally enters the roundabout more quickly than if waiting at a traffic signal. In addition, the modern roundabout is much smaller than older traffic circles and requires vehicles to travel at lower speeds (15-20 mph), making them safer than traffic circles. Additionally, the slower speeds make it easier for a driver to find a gap of traffic inside the roundabout before safely entering it.​

Driving Through a Roundabout

A roundabout is easy to drive through once you understand how it works. As you approach it, you’ll see a yellow “roundabout ahead” sign, indicating you should slow down. 

Drivers yield to any vehicles or bicyclists already in the roundabout. Everyone using the roundabout moves in a counterclockwise direction, and those already in it do not yield to approaching vehicles. 

Drivers should use turn signals when exiting and yield to pedestrians using the crosswalk at the roundabout.

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  • Single-Lane Roundabout
  • Multilane Roundabout
  • Mini-Roundabout
  • Roundabout Tips & Reminders

Last updated Jul. 1, 2024